Classic CV - v1.1.5

Classic CV

Classic CV / Resume HTML Template - Demo | Usage Doc | Reference Doc

Folder structure

  ├── css
  │  ├── themes
  │  │  ├── theme
  │  │  ├── gray theme
  │  │  ├── theme-brown.css.................brown theme
  │  │  ├── theme
  │  │  ├── theme
  │  │  └── themes.css......................all themes
  │  ├── demo.css
  │  └── style.css
  ├── docs
  │  ├── reference..........................javascript reference document
  │  └── usage..............................usage document
  ├── fonts
  ├── js
  │  ├── demo.js............................javascript for demo purpose such as panel settings
  │  ├── script.js..........................main javascript file that is not related to vendors
  │  └── vendor.js..........................main javascript file that is related to vendors
  ├── less
  │  ├── mixins
  │  │  ├── utilities.less..................utility functions such as clearfix()
  │  │  └── vendor-prefixes.less............all about vendor prefix such as border-radius, transition
  │  ├── themes
  │  │  └── themes.less.....................theme generator
  │  ├── demo.less..........................stylesheet for demo purpose such as panel settings
  │  ├── style.less.........................main stylesheet
  │  └── variables.less.....................all variables
  ├── media
  │  ├── bg
  │  ├── img
  │  ├── logo
  │  ├── profile
  │  └── vid
  ├── vendor
  │  ├── bootstrap
  │  ├── easy-pie-chart
  │  ├── font-awesome
  │  ├── gmaps
  │  ├── jquery
  │  ├── jquery-validation
  │  ├── magnific-popup
  │  └── waves
  ├── apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
  ├── favicon.ico
  ├── index.html...........................demo file
  ├── all-layouts.html.....................demo file without demo.js, demo.css + display all heading styles

Full Featured list

  • Cross browser support - IE9+, Chrome 39+, Firefox 31+, Safari Window 5.1.7+, Safari iPhone5 8.1.1
  • W3C valid
  • Responsive layout - based on Bootstrap
  • Material Design - Color palette and Ripple effect when click (Google Chrome)
  • 7 Header styles
  • 6 Theme colors
  • 30 Body background - 10 Solid Colors, 16 Patterns, 4 Images
  • SEO friendly
  • Retina ready
  • Icon 470+ with Font Awesome
  • Support
  • Usage and Javascript reference documents
  • Google Fonts
  • HTML5 + CSS3
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Less
  • Pretty Code standard and DocBlock comment
  • 2 Contact forms with validation
  • Tooltip, Alert, Modal
  • Google Map with COOL style
  • Portfolio
  • Lightbox
  • Dynamic copyright year
  • Preload

Thank You